Summer Arts Under The Umbrella

Summer Arts Under the Umbrella 2017
Learning, growing, and experimenting through art is at the heart of what we do.
Our experienced instructors are practicing artists, arts educators, and teachers.
They share a love of their art with a keen awareness of the developmental needs of children and young adults. We offer fine arts education for ages 4-13 and an excellent Counselor in Training program for ages 14-16.
Small classes ensure plenty of individual attention. Each age group is led by one of our trained Assistant Teachers . The AT gets to know each child and works to build a cooperative spirit within the group.
We offer arts for every interest. Children have the opportunity to try Drawing & Painting, 2D and 3D Mixed Media, Ceramics, Digital Arts and Film Making, Performance and Dance, Arts & Environment, Woodworking/Workshop and More!
The SAUU 2017 Programs
Each week is unique with projects designed to engage your child’s creativity and artistic spirit. Families may sign up for individual weeks on a ½ day or full day.
Plan around your family vacations or summer camp schedules by mixing and matching weeks based on availability and interests. We are flexible and will accept enrollment for any combination of weeks.
Ages: 4-13 years (Pre-K - 7th Grade)
Half-Day Morning: 9:00am - 12:30pm. Morning only includes three different 1-hour art classes and a break for a mid-morning snack*.
Tuition: Before / After June 1 = $250 / $275
Full-Day: All day! 9am – 4:00pm. Includes three morning art classes and two or three afternoon art classes in a variety of different media. Full day students must be provided with a NUT-FREE lunch* from home for the mid-day break 12:30-1pm. Weather permitting we eat down the street at Emerson Fields, where they can have outside play time!
Tuition: Before / After June 1 = $450 / $475
**The Umbrella provides filtered water and a daily nut free snack. Lunch should be brought from home.
Extended Day – 4:00pm – 5:30pm. Includes additional art projects and group activities in a structured and creative environment. Offered as an added convenience for parents commuting from work.
Tuition: $60
Before June 1: Half Day $250 / Full Day $450
On or After June 1: Half Day $275 / Full Day $475
Week 1 Rates: Half Day $150/$165 / Full Day $270/$285; Monday Option: Half Day $50/$55 / Full Day $90/$95
Registrations will close 12am on Monday, 1 week, before the start of the next Summer Program week.
Registrations after a deadline date may be accepted on a space available basis with an additional fee of $25. Parents must contact The Umbrella office by phone or in person and be ready to make payment at the time of registration.
*No Camp July 4. Monday July 3 Optional.
Questions? Check out our FAQ page.
This camp must comply with regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and be licensed by the local board of health.
Counselor in Training Program for high-schoolers ages 14 – 16:
CITs are volunteer “counselors-in-training.” The nature of the CIT program is for high school aged young adults ages 14-16 to develop a sense of responsibility through observation, participation, planning and implementation. Both assistant teachers and CITs have the opportunity to be a great help to both the classroom teachers and the children in all of the classes.
Interested in being a Counselor in Training? Please fill out an online application or download the application and email or send it back/drop it off to Danielle Moriarty at by May 1st, 2017.
Download CIT application here:CIT Application 2017